Welcome to my blog for the first time visitors. I am glad that you are here. I thought I would start off my trip to Africa with something that I have always loved: this picture (look to the right...on the screen). I am not exactly sure why, probably a lot of reasons, but I love this kid. I have no idea who the kid is I just found the picture on the internet by accident. As Timm stated in the first sentence of his letter "I am going to Africa," and it is a lot like this kid. Relatively speaking I know next to nothing about Africa, but I love it and I want to go experience it. Welcome to the journey.
Remember when you dressed up as the little kid for Holloween? No? Ya? No? That was great.
phil- i think i can fix it...phil i can fix it...every 2 seconds after that, phil i can fix it
-refnif the eseehc
We are the authors of our lives...
I want to hear about this experience, I'm considering a trip into the unknown as well. Peace Corps.
"Do you know what it feels like to care too much about someone that you're never gonna get to touch? Hey man, now you're really living."
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