Wednesday, November 16, 2005

notes from africa, chapter 3

Today is wed. I am now in Nairobi. I will leave with Timm, Jon, and the Russells for "the north" friday morning. Tommorow is a fairly important day as Timm and I attempt to connect (yet again) with some of our connections in Sudan and the like. We will visit some administrative offices here in Nairobi and make some more phone calls. It would be swell if we could make some solid connections tommorow as we will not have access to phone/email/...anything for the next three weeks. Please pray for that.

In more important and exciting news: thank you so much for your commments. I cannot tell you how encouraging it is to hear from some of you. I spoke to about 50 kenyan bible students yesterday. I think it very well as they invited Timm and I to come back and teach anytime (they are definitly in need of teachers). I spoke on a passage out of James, and Timm spoke today on a passage out of 2peter. I enjoyed my time in Narok (where we were teaching/organizing a library i.e. moving around a ton of boxes in our own categories)however it is good to be out of Narok, the rallies for the upcoming Constituion vote (on monday) were getting a bit out of hand.

I am learning a lot now. I am now being confronted with many of my fears. I cannot wait to go out into the bush (up north) and camp/i'mnotsurewhat. I hope that it will be a very progressive time for my thoughts to mesh with my emotions.

It is funny.. coming here has been such a dream of mine that now that I am here the dream is gone, it is reality. I am now free to dream about what more I want to do here/do with my life. Yesterday, I began to dream for the first time "african dreams". I am now beginning to dream like I am here. It is freeing and a bit scary to see what my real convictions are about...well, alot I guess.

Take care.

Brother: yes, I asked the Russells and you may send something. I will be back in Nairobi in about three weeks and will be able to recieve it.

Scotland: Thank God for you. When I think of you in ole' Michigan I begin to laugh and cry at the same time. I miss you and am glad to hear from you. Thank you for the encouragement.

Kelly: It is hard for me to say if I feel your prayers, but thank you. I need them. I am encouarged by your words, and love to hear what you are feeling.

Deja: Thank you for the quote. Timm's brother Jon and I have been stretching (he is a balarina..for real) and it has been good. I hope all is well.

Dad: thank you for hoppin' on the blog Pops. It is good to hear from you. Mom sounded good on the phone, I hope all is well with you. Please tell the family I love them and miss them.

Kate and Jared: Kate, I am attempting to take some pictures for the board; however, I have not felt it appropriate to take any pictures of people yet, but I have lots of animal photos. I will keep trying.
Jared, I have, and will continue to, read one "dream" before I go to bed each night. The book is quickly becoming precious to me as well. What is time..? but Tim with an "e".


At 7:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first snow flakes of the season fell tonight ... while you are worlds away in the beginning of an amazing chapter of your life fulfilling a dream and making a difference. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope for your safety, health and growth during your mission. Dina.

At 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still cannot believe what I am reading is coming from your experiences!!! It has become a daily routine to check the blog and see what fascinating and important adventure you are tackling that day. I love the way you describe your surroundings - - especially the night you lay awake listening to a lion. I can only imagine! When you get back, I cannot wait to hear about the new dreams you envision for your future during your many upcoming moments of reflection while in Africa. I just wanted to tell you that I think of you often and am praying for you and your friends to have a safe journey and also that you accomplish everything your heart desires. And...since you won’t have email for a couple weeks – Happy Thanksgiving…miss you and love you! - Kristy

At 12:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it has been a joy to hear from you brother. to begin i must quote a movie, "You are so money and you dont even know it." truly, it has been an encouragement to hear about your experiences, they truly do encourage me in these times that are seem to push me about my future. I am reminded of Pauls openings in his letters, about how he writes to encourage his brothers he longs to see, but knows what he must wait on. I am reminded that he desired to impart some spiritual gift upon them with his encouragement so that they could be mutually encouraged by eachother's faith. Thank you for being that encouragement, Keep writing about the journey our Father has set you on. Continue to glorify the King we serve. -J$


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