Thursday, November 17, 2005

a quick note before heading out

I do not have much to say now except that I am grateful for all of your support. The experience here in Nairobi is currently a bit much for me and I am anxious to leave tommorow morning. I found out today that we are travelling with a couple other trucks up north. This has its ups and downs. Please pray for a safe journey. It will be a two day trek.
I am currenty being confronted with a lot of hypothetical violent situations and the question of pacifism. My commitment is to bring peace, as much as possible in as many situations as possible. what that looks like exactly...I am working on.

I am continually inspired by Gandhi and his words: "be the change you wish to see in the world"

peace like a river.

Dina and Kristy: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I miss you and the family very much during this time (as I am sure you know) so thanks for saying it now. Tell everyone happy thanksgiving for me. much love. Oh, and Dina, my camera is continually thankful for its (so far) indestructible plastic case.

J$: you are straight money. there is no question. I hope all is well with you my friend, and that your studies/reading/writing/praying/living are full of peace and joy.

Kelly: upon reviewing my last comment to you I am not sure if I was clear. what I meant was that it is hard for me (obviously) to know or feel prayers, but (and more importantly) I am grateful for them. I believe they are changing/helping my experience here.


At 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sweets. Just a quick note to you to say I love you dearly and praying always for you all. I have read your prayer requests to many people and they also are praying for you. Be strong in the Lord! His mercy endures forever.
I also want to know if you or Timm need anything as I would love to send it to you. Please let me know.
Have a safe journey. I pray you are wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.
Lovies, Mom

At 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are probably currently on a truck heading into unknown lands as I write this from my couch gazing at the crystal blue November sky that so graciously granted us with warm sunlight…yesterday being bitter cold and hot tea inviting! I wanted to send a warm Happy Happy Thanksgiving your way even if you read this weeks later-
PIES…I thought of you yesterday as I was standing on a milk crate filling pie shells with pumpkin pie batter…66 pies to be exact (8 big cans of pumpkin puree and 70 cans of condensed milk..mmm..mmm goodness!) I wanted to send you guys PIES!!
Oh and parsnip hummus update: soo good you might cry – little sweet, creamy!
And yeah for stretching! So good! I did have to giggle slightly at the image of all you guys stretching/yogaing way! Maybe you will be able to bring back some REAL Warrior poses! Ha!
I have been praying for your safe journey and for the transformation evolving – what an experience truly guided by God! Sometimes I get so excited that I want to tell everyone about your travels and what you are doing and where you are going – from the guy eating nachos at the corner of Colfax to the person buying bananas or even the squirrel who attacks the leaves outside!!! Keep dreaming – “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quit waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me: your rod and your staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23: 2-4
Namaste - DeJa

At 5:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

philight attendant-
so we went to free day at the zoo today and thought of you, in honor of ditching philosophical theology in favor of sickly caged animals. and we're hoping that the giraffes you see are not dying.
our life in denver consists of steponme's rapidly growing mini-mullet, a shaven shirtless german watching 7th heaven, and starbuck's most prized barista [oh, that tantalizing foam]...yeah, we're probably your most awesome friends. don't you forget it.

peace to you in africa.

p.s. those are your initials.
p.p.s. this was our first blog ever.

At 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil. It sounds as though you have had many wonderful experiences
in Africa so far. Uncle George and I pray for you and your friends daily--for your safety (Please be careful), and for your work to be accomplished. We're thinking of you all the time. Happy Thanksgiving!
(A blog is something new to me--it's a pretty good way to stay in touch.)
Take care, Phil.
Love, Aunt Sharon

At 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil, I just finished a phone conversation with your mom. What a NICE lady! I didn't know that you guys had blogs until she told me!
Southway is praying for you guys. I hope that you enjoyed your time up north and your parents are looking forward from hearing from you!
Greet everyone for me, please.

At 12:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - just found out today at church that Dave and Lonalee (really bad spelling??) are engaged and the wedding is planned for January great! Elyse, Alissa and I offered to do their wedding cake as our gift, it would be so wonderful to do something really special for them! Hope all is well and can’t wait to hear about your adventures!

At 9:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

philpa, be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will i leave you; Never will i forsake you." So I'm saying with confidence,
The Lord is Phil and Tim's helper; They need not be afraid. What can man do to them?

(side note my word vericication is syf-shyt, so I'll take that as a sign to tell you to syf-the-shyt.) I hope thats meaningful to ya.

At 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


glad to hear you havn't been sick.
i know you are probably learning a lot, and building those muscles making concrete.

here it is the same thing school work and other fun stuff. i'm curious to hear about your thanksgiviing. or lack of?

over here the turkey was dry..

Phil, I hear that Africa has more alien sightings than any other country. I'm glad that you and Timm haven't gotten sick yet and I will be praying for your health and that you will see an alien. After all, lions are boring...

At 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Phil,
I talked with your parents at the Joseph's house on New Years Eve and your dad gave me your blog address. Only a few of the young adults (your brother Paul, Amy Stein and my son Marc) stopped at the party to say hello to us older adults.
I read your writings on your blog. Very, very interesting! Quite an adventure!
You mom told me about your prior adventure/mission work in the Andes. I did not know about that. I will continue to read your blog.
Take care,
John Zawislak 1/2/06


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