Thursday, December 08, 2005

Notes From Africa, chapter 4

[A bit more news from Br. Sweetaction, brought to you by your friends at Didymus (der blinde)]

Hello guys! Things are well with me, no worries.

Welp. It has been a fun, interesting, and exciting past few weeks. I was up north visiting a number of missionaries in a number of places. I have now seen most of Kenya. I saw some incredible things and in each place I went I was able to work, which was great. I laid another concrete floor for a villager's house in Loyngaliani (on the southeast end of Lake Turkana), ran the piping for a water heater in Ngudenet (a villige in the middle of nowhere), etc. I also got to do some phenomenal hiking.

As far as plans for the future...It looks like we will not be going to Sudan. Our connection just kind of fell apart.

The Russells are taking John (timm's brother) to the Airport tommorow and then going back down to Massai Mara. Timm and I are going to stay here in Nairobi. We are now working with Send In Mission (SIM). We are working in a place called Kibera. It is kinda the slums region of Nairobi. We are doing a number of things down there with them. There are a lot of areas for us to plug into and as time passes I will be able to say exactly what I will be doing. It will be something along the lines of teaching (literacy, high school, little kids), helping in the church there, teaching about aids, building facilities, etc.

I am excited to start on this new project. Timm and I are not sure where we will be staying yet. As of right now we are staying at The Master's Mission base (with the Russells). We are going back to the SIM offices tommorow to find out a place for us to live.
All that stuff aside.
I am doing well and enjoying Africa. Things are really up in the air right now because it is a transition time, but my experience here so far has been phenomenal. I have been learning a lot about misssions and have gotten to see missions in action in tribes all over Kenya.

I am healthy as an Ox. I have not gotten sick at all since being in Africa. I am very grateful for that. Timm, however, got sick while we were camping in a laga (dried river bed) about a week and a half ago. Luckily, we were only about an hour from a good clinic (the only one in north kenya). The clinic said that he had Malaria; however, we found out that the clinic has a reputation for saying that it is malaria when they are not really sure what is wrong. Most of the missionaries that we have been with said that he was probably just dehydrated. He was better within two days, and is completely fine now. If it was malaria it was probably due to the fact that he did not begin taking his med's until a few days before we left; whereas, I began taking mine two weeks before leaving thus not contracting malaria.
I am grateful for all your prayers and comments on the blog. I will respond more as soon as I am able. 
On a complete side note:  I saw an old freind in Nairobi...yeah, can you believe it. It is a girl that helped in planting Jacob's Well. I just saw her on the street and recognized her. She is living here in Nairobi and is working in Kebera. So it turns out that I already have a friend here. Wow.

Peace like a river.


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