Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the ETA for Christmas is 4 days and it's usually on time.

I leave for Maasai Mara tommorow morning. Timm and I will travel all day in a matatu (hoopty van,) and with any luck end-up back with the Russells. The ride should cost about 8$ and be as precarious as my brother Paul attempting ping-pong in the olympic sector. I am excited to get out of nairobi, back into the middle of nowhere.

Christmas will take place in the Mara for me. I am nervous, but looking on. It's like going skydiving for the first time, and I am dangling out the airplane door.

I will not have access to the internet until the 1st or 2nd of January so I wish you all the most beautiful Christmas of your life. May it be filled with whatever it is that makes your whole body smile.

Go big or go home.

Kelly: I am looking, and I plan on looking harder this Christmas.

Deja: Thank you for the prayers and words. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Kristy: I got word of the party's success from the fam. and I am overjoyed. I can't believe it actually worked. I mean, you have to admit, between your dad's unending detail questioning and grandma's natural disposition it's a miracle your parents never found out. I applaud you. It makes me smile huge when I think about the party and your parents reaction. I am so happy you/steve to the time to do that for them. I am proud of you. And...did I forget about your cards?!! They are the single most important piece of luggage I carry. They are invaluable.

Sakas: It is wonderful to hear from you mike, and to know that you are reading the blog. Your words are heared and taken to heart. I appreciate them deeply. I hope and pray too for the ability to help. I am grateful for this oppurtunity, though at times the weight seems too much. It is comforting and spurring (spurring-me-on...?) to hear your words; it makes the load seem lighter. I hope life is exactly what you want it to be now. Take care mike.


At 12:08 AM , Blogger ceci n'est pas said...

merry christmas, buddy. can't wait to hear how yours was...

At 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Phil. We missed you Christmas Eve, but we put your picture on a chair right with us, so you were with us in spirit. We all enjoyed your "gifts" to us. Uncle George and I hope everything is going well with you and you are staying healthy. We look forward to reading about your experiences in Africa-- You will have a lifetime of memories from this trip. Stay safe. We continue to pray for you and Timm. (Hope he is feeling better.)
Love, Aunt Sharon

At 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Phill What is up. Glad to see you are doing okay. I know you dont get a lot of computer time so ill make this quick..

Hope you are staying safe. and hope your missions are going well. and bring me back a pet from Africa.

Also I wanted to wish you a beltaed christmas and a very happy new year. I look forward to seeing you when you get back . If you want to email me, but its okay if you dont have a lot of time.


P.S.. you ll be back just in time for disc golf season.. lol

At 9:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dearest phileepa. neldog here with your homeboy mike maxwell (the dominator). he just kinda tried to kick my butt in dr. mario but i dominated(not), so africa and goodbye

At 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Phil!!!
We were talking about you as we tried to snowshoe Spud in Durango on Christmas Day. Joel and I realized we've never seen you in the snow! And, you're not gettin' any there. So, next year!

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and all that jazz. Best of luck in Maasai. We're thinking of you!

At 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Phil~

Happy New Year's Eve and a belated Merry Christmas! I hope you were able to enjoy this holiday season 'Africa style'. I heard about your gift to everyone, and I look forward to seeing it from Kristy's; since I was not able to visit with your family. I look forward to reading about your upcoming advantures. I pray for your continued good health (and Timm's return to daily good health). Also, I pray for your ability to stay positive during the difficult periods of your mission; and to continue leaving your uplifting mark throughout Africa and the people you touch.


At 9:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Happy New Year!

Hope you had an amazing Christmas full of joy, time to reflect and a flood of new experiences! I can't believe it will be another year...seemed to really fly by. It has been a beautiful New Year's Eve day, a full bright blue sky here in old Denver, could wear flip-flops! Work has slowed down drastically...makes me smile which equals more yoga and time to breath!...Alissa and I have started planning and organizing the 6 tiered wedding cake for Dave and Lonnalee -SUPER excited! Brought my snowboard back from home and hopefully will be able to hit the slopes with Tamara! Take care and can't wait to hear more of your adventure- very curious to what your meals have consisted of-
- sending prayers


"When we extend ourselves, our self enters new and unfamiliar territory, so to speak. Our self becomes a new and different self. We do things we are not accustomed to do. We change. The experience of change, of unaccustomed activity, of being on unfamiliar ground, of doing things differently is frightening. It always was and always will be. People handle their fear of change in different ways, but the fear is inescapable if they are in fact to change. Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the making of action in spite of fear, the moving out against the resistance engendered by fear into the unknown and into the future. On some level spiritual growth, and therefore love, always requires courage and involves risk." - The Road Less Traveled

At 11:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dearest phil,
nelson here: HAPPY NEW YEAR! it is 1:14 am 2006 here in the mitten and Mike maxwell and i wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. much love,
amanda and Max, the newest dynamic dr. mario loving duo! and goodbye.

At 11:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Phil!!! I cannot belive that it is 2006 already! We definitely missed you at Christmas although as I'm sure you heard, you were in every picture. There's a good one of me and you. :) Also, thank you for the Christmas gift. I loved it - - especially the one for my dad -- it was hilarious -- charis, LOL funny!!! I hope you laughed when you opened your card on Christmas as much as I did when I found that picture of you guarding the couch with the nintendo gun or whatever that were such the cute kid (and still are) :). I look forward to reading your next blog update as I'm sure much has happened over the past week. I miss you tons and can't wait to re-live your adventures with you when you get home. -- Much love, Kristy


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