a short note on stuff.
"frick". As they say.
I just read Timm's blog, his ch. 11 post, It was inspriring.
Last night I sat in my box reflecting on the day, and thinking to myself that I would be more than happy to stay here and teach through the end of the year; totally content. The more time I spend in a settled lifestyle here the more connections get made; and the more I learn the more I think of ideas to help. Some things are in motion right now that I am excited about: teaching, setting up a book drive, making new friends, starting to have meaningfull relationships with students and teachers, playing with kids, supporting CHONESUS, .... I don't know... I guess... yesterday, maybe for the first time, I thought that Timm and I were actually making a difference, and it was the most motivating, humbling thing in the world. Today, however, is different. Today I feel like my time here is coming to a screeching end. In all reality I only have a little over a week left in the classroom. Its depressing; it irk's me to just say: the hell with it I am leaving anyway. And that freaks me out, because immediately I revolt against that, that settling into stupid complacency. I want to continue on, working hard, I want to be present in the moment. Please pray that the love that I have been learning about; the love that has been motivating me, would not be crushed under the wieght of the future. I want to be excited about now, fighting to help now. I miss everyone a ton. As cool as this blog thing is I yearn for face to face interaction.
I want this:

but...I feel more like this:

much love. I will hit ya guys back with responses from the last blog the next chance I get.
HA HA HAH AHAHAHAH ha ha ha. . .
Phil, you are the funnies kid I know. Hands down.
Phil. Your letter came today.
I wept.
I love you so eff'en much.
I have no words to express Fucking proud I am to be your brother. None.
I love you.
I love you.
Cream Philling,
I've been following yer blog. It's helped me snap out of this flippin' february fuzz. I appreciate your wise wisdom wisely spoke about love. No finer subject could be graced by great minds.
It helps my soul to close my eyes and imagine you lounging with sasquatch feet up, face all sticky with avocado, musing about love, brothers, Wittgenstein's insistence that we should boil it all down to the language.
I appreciate that you're there Phil. You're doing good. It's important. Can't wait to chill with you back here in CO.
Maybe we should do another Moab century-- this time; themed costumes.
love you bro.
scott, idledale, CO
Hi Philly-
I can't wait to see your face as well! I can't believe your students are asking for more homework -- that really puts things in perspective. Just a thought, which you might have already done, or might not even be feasible based on your lesson plans and situation so forgive me if this is the dumbest, most naive suggestion that you’ve ever read. You've been pondering all these questions, i'll call them 'life questions' for sake of discussion. Is their one question that you could ask your students to write on. One question that you would love to get their views on. For example, what it means to them or what they wish it could be….etc. Maybe what you have brought to their lives when you are ready to part??? I just thought that this might give you something to ponder ‘in the moment’ and come up with something for your students and ultimately for you. You could take their writings home – something you could use to teach or just relect upon. Just a thought….
Other than that – glad to hear that all is well – or as well as it could be. I’ll continue to pray for you and miss ya like crazy!
Hi Phil. I'm glad you are enjoying teaching. I wish all my students wanted to learn like the ones you are teaching. I have to admit many of them really do have that yearning--they are the ones that make teaching fun. I bet you don't have any discipline problems. You mom tells me you will be leaving Africa soon. I pray for your safety every day. I will feel a little more at ease when you are on friendlier ground, but things can happen anywhere. I am glad you are safe. Uncle George says to watch out for those wild animals.
Take care,
Aunt Sharon and Uncle George
I am currently eating cold macaroni and cheese...some how it tastes amazing (and yes it from the box BUT organic)...mmmmm! Oh random question - have you craved pasta (spaghetti or shell pasta) at any time during your travels?
I watched 'Waking Life'- the animation/characterization was crazy at first, made my eyes seem wobbly and distracted by so much movement, having to close eyes sometimes to focus and hear what they were saying...but it was really great, one of those films that just keeps your brain moving and contemplating - and yes soo much good stuff (evolution concept...fear or laziness holding back the human raceand yes - the holy instant) - you earn 223.23 points..yup! Think I will need to re-watch it to grasp some of the fast ideas/philosophies...after my eyes did adjust I was able to appreciate the art in the film...how do they create this type of film? Do they actually film people and then draw over/computerize and add details?...record the sound which matches..mmm???
OHH and about chapatti...you will have to explain in detail (maybe over Denver/crazy African restaurant cuisine analyzes!)
And another OHH - my life plans maybe changing once again...have lots to tell you!...feel like I could ramble on for another 45 minutes but will stop currently!
Take care, safe travels ahead!
Prayers continuously
"preghiera continuamente"
stay passionately in the moment!
"rimanere appassionato nello momento"
Paul: member that time you touched the heel of one of those huge dancing dudes downtown when we went to see oedipus rex? i can't believe the whole thing moved like that...crazy.
Paul: no words here either.
Scott: so sweet to hear from you. I had no clue that you had ever seen the blog. I love hearing from you. I am excited to get back and chill with you. I picture you back in idledale: giving your friends a haven to come and relax, making the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet, learning more and more about home repair, chillin hardcore with annie, saying: 'touch it' like GW, and, most importantly, being sweet. thanks for the encouraging words. Again, I can't wait to chill with you. Oh, and I think themed costumes is a solid plan for success.
Kristy: Can you imagine students asking for more homework? wierd, huh? I love your ideas for helping me think through these issues Kristy. I took your advice. I had all of my form 2 students, which is a lot, write on the question: how is Christianity relevant in my life?, And, I taught a discipleship class for a number of poeple at my church, and for one of the session's homework I had them write on this qeustion: why am I a Christian?, And finally, I went around with a video camera interviewing a bunch of my students on my last day of class about random stuff and many of them commented on my specific contribution. So...needless to say, I loved your idea.
Thanks a million. I can't wait to see you. Oh, I still have two of your cards on reserve...I am confident one will be opened very soon, but I don't want to use them all before I get home for fear that I may need one more than I ever needed one before, and I will be out. oh, the predicaments of life.... take care Kris, much love.
Aunt Sharon and Uncle George: I agree 100% that the ones that have the yearning to learn are, in fact, the ones that make it fun. I think they are the ones that make it worth it as well. I love it when a student challenges me on what I am saying, or comes to me after class to ask for further explanation. Unfortunately, I do have some dicipline problems, nothing to drastic, but enough to frustrate me. It is not so much a problem of disruption, but more of a problem of not participating, for some of them. Thanks soo much for you prayers, and tell uncle george that I wrestled a lion yesterday and won so he need not worry about those animals.
Deja: no pasta cravings. 223.23...I am stoked for the pointage, I am sure that gets me at least one of those sweet stuffed animals at dave&busters. I have watched waking life many times, and am still learning from it and enjoying it. I am not sure how they made the film to be honest. I think they filmed the people first, then screwed with it after. I am stoked to hear of your new plans for the future, I am sure they are unfolding into something bellisimo. 'I see the holy one in you' as well.
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